Great Patriotic War Soviet top sniper

“When the Great Patriotic War began, it showed that the Soviet Union had everything necessary to be ready first. They all went to the Armed Forces voluntarily. I don’t know if Ivan received a draft notice, but were you truly ready as a sniper? I was on every front line, on the big and small ones, in the first border battles and later as a sniper, on equal footing with everyone. Many surnames can be named, both men and women, and all of them were snipers. They formed separate units, directly subordinated to their command and self-sufficient. It’s interesting because every day, regardless of the setbacks, the Sniper destroys the enemy’s live force. Well, if you put it roughly, that’s how it’s done. By the way, snipers who had already graduated worked a little differently with various methods.”


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It’s interesting because every day, regardless of the setbacks, the Sniper destroys the enemy’s live force


“I’ll answer. A seat for retraining, pre-war times, the first type, the most common – the so-called Sniper Hunt. In the summer, at 5:30 in the morning, the Sniper goes out. The Sniper knows that there have to be two observers, observers who are also snipers. They not only observe and help you observe, but at any moment, they can open fire with love and fire. One pair is lying in one place, another is 300-400 meters away. They cannot talk to each other. They cannot move or smoke. Basically, they can’t do anything. This continues until 9:00 or 10:00 at night. During this time, the Sniper can destroy five fascists or maybe just three. It all depends on how mobile the enemy figures are. There will be no mess at all. And whoever is seen first, open fire. We have certain targets, the closest to the enemy. It’s a very nasty thing, but it’s for the war. Let me explain. The enemy has the right to call fire, practically mortar fire. We had to destroy them first. Then the signalmen, they had wire communication. It’s like a thread that’s always hanging there, and everything can be seen. Then the serious stuff.”

They cannot talk to each other. They cannot move or smoke. Basically, they can’t do anything.

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