
Looking to film news or other content in the Russian Territories (CIS)? TVDATA is your go-to media company, dedicated to supporting TV and production companies with top-tier services. Our experienced team, based in the CIS, provides film crews, equipment, studio and location services, and access to rare and comprehensive archives that will elevate your report, film, or documentary.

We specialize in creating relevant, memorable, and shareable video content in-house. With offices in Moscow and London, TVDATA is your gateway to the CIS media market. Our bilingual team (fluent in English, Russian, and German) collaborates on media projects to ensure your filming experience is efficient, smooth, and rewarding.

Choose TVDATA for a seamless and successful filming experience in the CIS.


At TVDATA, we believe in the power of video to preserve history and tell the stories of the past. Our team has decades of experience in video production and post-production, working with leading broadcasters like Euro News, France24, and Sky Sports Italy. We understand the value of original content and have built a vast archive of historical footage from significant events. We are committed to sharing these treasures with the world, providing access to unique and rare video content. Explore our extensive library of original footage and join us in uncovering the past and shaping the future.

Discover our vast collection of current and archival stock footage from Russian-speaking territories.

Experience the freedom of choice with TVDATA’s uncut footage

With no pre-cuts, our unique historical footage lets you create your own story and bring your vision to life. Choose from a vast collection of rare and captivating footage, and let your creativity soar. At TVDATA, we empower you to tell your story your way. Visit our website now to explore our extensive library and unlock a world of possibilities.

Past and Present with TVDATA.TV’s Extensive Archive

