We offer a wide selection of stock footage from the Soviet era, including footage that showcases the country’s industrial and economic development. Our collection includes footage from various industries, such as mining, oil and gas, manufacturing, textiles, footwear, and food processing. Whether you’re creating a documentary, educational video, or historical project, our footage can help bring your vision to life. Browse our collection today and discover the rich history of the Soviet economy.
Our collection features rare footage that offers a glimpse into the lifestyle and habits of the Soviet Union’s population in 1981. At the time, the Soviet Union maintained a “shortage economy” where consumption was restricted in favor of investment. This unique footage provides a fascinating look at life in the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War and is perfect for educational, historical, or documentary projects.
Despite these restrictions, our footage shows Soviet consumers enjoying champagne for the New Year, a luxury that was not widely available in the country.

Explore the Leisure Activities of Soviet Villagers with Rare Footage from Our Collection
According to estimates from 1983, the rural population of the Soviet Union was around 96.6 million people, comprising 35.6% of the entire population. Numerous Soviet studies have been conducted to understand how these millions spent their spare time. In the 1960s and 1970s, the average villager spent 5.4 hours per week on TV and radio, 3.1 hours on reading, 1.3 hours on movies and visits to the local “club,” 0.2 hours on artistic hobbies, and 0.18 hours on sports.
Our collection of rare footage showcases the daily lives and leisure activities of Soviet villagers, including footage of rural clubs, TV and radio broadcasts, and cultural events.
TVdata presents unique footage that provides valuable insights into the daily lives and leisure activities of rural Soviet citizens. Viewers can gain a better understanding of how the average villager spent their spare time. Footage of TV and radio broadcasts, movies, and visits to local clubs. We offer a look into the Soviet economy, which embraced around 57 industries with significant differences in pay scales between them. Personnel in extractive, energy-producing, and heavy industries were at the top of the wage scale, while workers in light industry such as textiles, footwear, garment production, and food processing earned significantly lower wages.
Our footage can enhance any project related to the Soviet Union, its economy, or rural life in general. From heavy to light industries, our footage showcases the realities of life in the Soviet Union and provides a fascinating glimpse into a unique period of history.
Our stock footage collection includes a wide range of footage from the Soviet era. You can use it to illustrate the unique characteristics of the centrally planned economy of the time. Whether you need footage that showcases Soviet heavy industries like mining, oil and gas, and manufacturing we have you covered. Our footage is curated to provide a comprehensive picture of the Soviet economy, and can help you tell a compelling story about this fascinating period in history. Browse our collection today to find the perfect footage for your project.
If you’re producing a video project related to Russia or USSR history, our services can help bring your vision to life. From rare footage to on-the-ground support, we offer a range of services that can enhance your project’s quality and authenticity.