TVDATA.TV has a vast archive of stock footage on Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. The Construction of Rector Sarcophagus started right after the tragedy. We have footage of various years filmed after Catastrophic nuclear accident.
TVDATA.TV camera crew has been filming Chernobyl Sarcophagus Construction over a period of time. We collect and license archival stock footage from Russia and former USSR.
This Footage is filmed in PAL format 720 × 576 and is available for worldwide licensing. In addition to Sarcophagus construction, we have other Chernobyl related videos. For example, a news announcement came on the day of this tragic event.
TVDATA.RU provides filming services in Russia and Russian – speaking countries. Besides, we also rent broadcast cameras and supporting equipment. Our company can provide client references so that you are assured the service is done by international standards. In order to discuss your requirements for filming in Russia, please, contact us at [email protected].