Choose Videos

At TVDATA Stock Footage, we redefine the concept of High-Quality Video Clips Unlike traditional libraries offering pre-cut Royalty-Free Stock Videos clips, we put you in control. You select the exact length and timing, ensuring the perfect fit for your project: Film, Television, Commercial or Advertisement. Our unique approach provides you with the ultimate creative freedom and Flexible Licensing, Our skilled team diligently curates our high-quality footage collection, ensuring every clip meets our strict standards, HD and 4K Resolution

Rights Management & Compliance

Usage Rights Management

Rights Management & Licensing Solutions

At, we prioritize safeguarding your archival BETACAM footage as both a historical treasure and a valuable intellectual property. Our Rights Management practices ensure comprehensive ownership documentation, legal compliance, and flexible licensing options.

Exclusive Usage Rights: Secure unique access to footage, enhancing brand differentiation and granting full control over distribution and modifications.
Non-Exclusive Usage Rights: Access cost-effective, high-quality content for versatile creative applications.
Custom Licensing Agreements: Tailored solutions designed to meet specific project requirements, offering flexible terms and scalable options.
Through meticulous metadata integration and adherence to copyright laws, we provide a seamless process that protects your assets while maximizing their value.

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