Orthodox Church dissolved and destroyed Black and White Film

Stock footage of Orthodox Church dissolved and destroyed Black and White Film; Church of Metropolitan Alexei in the Miracle Monastery. 

The church of St. Alexey was built in 1483-1485. In honor of the founder of the Miracle Monastery, Metropolitan Alexei. The initiator of the construction of the stone church was Archimandrite Gennady. The church stood southwest of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. A refectory with cell chambers was built at the church. After the construction of the temple was completed, the relics of St. Alexey. In 1535, a silver shrine was made for the relics. The temple was repeatedly subjected to fires, rebuilt anew. The greatest destruction was caused by fires in 1493, 1547 and 1626.


Under Archimandrite Adrian in 1680-1686. The church, together with the adjacent buildings, was rebuilt according to the design of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. At this time, next to the Church of St. Alexei, two more churches were built. To the north, the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos was built. And to the west, the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called was built. At that time, the church of Metropolitan Alexei was almost the only male temple. In order for everyone, including women, to have access to the relics of St. Alexei, they were placed in the passage connecting the two churches. Both churches received the same roof. The temples were made in the baroque style typical for Russian architecture of the 17th century.

Orthodox Church dissolved and destroyed Black and White Film

In 1770 Metropolitan Platon initiated Significant renovation of the temple and improvement of adjacent buildings. A bishop’s house was built, and a large porch was added to the southern wall of the building with cells. In 1905, the Grand Duke, Sergei Alexandrovich, was killed on the square near the Nikolsky Gate. A tomb was built for him in the basement of the Alekseevskaya Church a year later.

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In 1918 the monastery was dissolved, and in 1929 it was destroyed.

Orthodox monastery nuns

Stock footage video of Russian women who dedicated their lives to the service of the Orthodox church. The original video is in PAL 720 X 576 filmed in Russia, available for licensing worldwide for fragmentary or full use. For commercial usage, talent release is required where applicable, please contact our team for details.   At TVDATA stock footage collection, we have Videos of Orthodox Nuns leading a religious life in a Russian Monastery.

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