Stock Footage collection on Crash Caught On Camera in HD 1920 X 1080 or SD 720 X 576.

Besides, an archival collection in Standard Definition PAL featuring Plane Crash Disasters across USSR and Russia.
Plane Crash Accident
UNIQUE VIDEO of Real-Time Aeroflot plane hijacking in 1994
Stock Footage collection video is available for licensing worldwide.
TVDATA Russian Stock Footage Collection also includes archival videos. For example, Kremlin during Soviet times when official residence hosts various Soviet and Russian politicians. As an example, we have black and white footage of Brezhnev meeting foreign politicians in the Kremlin, Russia.
At TVDATA Media we provide professional camera crew services in Russia. Therefore, you can hire a cameraman who is specialized in drone aerial filming.
plane crashed
search for the wreckage
Footage Videos on CRASH LANDING and