TVDATA's Stock Footage Archive provides an extensive collection of 4K videos, HD stock footage, and professionally curated royalty-free clips designed to enhance broadcast production, editorial projects, and creative media. From nature landscapes to technology highlights, our footage spans trending topics like artificial intelligence, business innovation, and travel adventures. Every asset is optimized for seamless integration, delivering high-quality content tailored for dynamic storytelling and visual impact. Explore our extensive preview channel on YouTube at TVData Media for a closer look at our premium collection.
📧 Contact us at [email protected] to explore our rights-ready library and discover the perfect footage for your next project.
Broadcast quality footage Ukraine flag waving in the wind in the blue sky, loop — Stock Footage
live webcam
Mastered to QuickTime Digital File in 10-bit mp4 SD 720×576 25i
Ukraine flag waving in the wind in the blue sky, loop — Stock Footage
1996#Bratkovychi near #polish #border Ukrainian Братковичі Bratkowice village near Lviv footage
3 views13 minutes ago19:18NOW PLAYING
Ukrainian [email protected] filmed 1996 near Lviv + interview in Russian / soldiers military in Lvov
3 views24 minutes ago7:20NOW PLAYING
1996 Ukrainian archive [email protected] village Western Ukraine Bratkovychi Братковичі Lviv
7 views1 hour ago1:38NOW PLAYING
1996 film archive, Ukraine village in Western Ukraine Bratkovychi Братковичі Lviv [email protected]
4 views1 hour ago8:24NOW PLAYING
12 views1 hour ago2:38NOW PLAYING
Preserving 1996 Ukrainian film archive
Mix & match 2 X 20 sec. video clips featuring 1996 footage from Ukraine £599
Payments to PayPal [email protected] or TVDATA HSBC UK; online instant FOOTAGE DELIVERY in high resolution takes 2 – 3 hours., please contact us for an invoice and return filled licensing agreement to [email protected]