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Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova: Their Relationship, Success in the Art World, and Influence in Business and Politics

Roman Abramovich is a Russian billionaire and one of the wealthiest businessmen in the world. In 2008, he made headlines when he started dating Dasha Zhukova, the founder of the Rich Art Gallery in Moscow. […]

Pizza, Perestroika, and Gorbachev The Story Behind the Viral Commercial

Pizza, Perestroika, and Gorbachev: The Story Behind the Viral Commercial

In the summer of 1993, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev received an unusual offer. It was from a popular pizza chain in the United States that was looking to expand its business into the former


Uncovering the Controversial Legacy of West Cigarettes in Russia: Licensed Video Footage Explores the Darker Side of the Iconic Brand’s History

With exclusive video footage capturing people smoking, explore how West Cigarettes became a symbol of Russia’s newfound freedom and openness to the world as the first brand introduced after the collapse of the USSR.

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